Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Funny!

Very excited with how well book two is coming along. I've been making some serious progress. For the first time in a long time I really don't have a lot of time to blog because I'm actually writing!!!!

I realize this isn't a video, but I'm having a hard time finding video I feel is funny enough to post.That is why I'm posting this. When I saw this I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face and my husband thought I might be having an aneurism. It's funny, but it's even funnier if you have a dog like this...which I do. So here's to Courage; the cowardly dog.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Funny!

I am so excited.My four older kids are back in school which is also helping with getting more writing in. I was also able to get past a part in book two that has been slowing me down.Things are looking up.

I got my first steroid shot in my back. I was numb for fifteen blissful minutes and then the pain came back, but they said it could take up to a week and a half for me to really tell a difference. I will get a series of three of these shots and if they work no surgery will be require, if not then onto the spinal surgeon. Here hoping the shots do the trick.

Your Friday Funny for the week is not a video this time. I found a video I thought was going to be funny and then it went horrible wrong. I had my husband watch it and he said it might be pushing things so I found this instead.  If you know me you will know that math is not my favorite subject. I was definitely one of those people always asking the teacher, "When will I have to use this in real life."

Have a great weekend!

P.S. If you want to see the video that I didn't use let me know I will post a link, but keep in mind it's a little disturbing.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Funny!

I don't know how funny this is, but apparently I only have a few months left to get book two out. Somehow, I'm not laughing. It always surprises me when I think I've got something handled to find out latter it's not as handled as I thought.Still, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. My characters tend to be a little difficult. They do and say things I don't always approve of. It also doesn't help that I have to writing on my back because sitting is too painful. I will prevail in the end...I hope.

Anyway, this week I have two Friday Funnies. One is for everyone and the other is for those who don't get offended easily. Number two is funny, but just not for everyone.   This one is for everyone. This one is a bit racy so view at your own risk.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Funny!

I'm late, I know. Sorry. I have been very, very busy...looking at Pinterest. I have just enough time to get this Friday Funny out and then I will have to get back to my Pinning. I will be blogging more in the middle of the week because my husband is taking away my Pinterest privileges. I'm kidding, my husband wouldn't dare take away my Pinterest privileges. He knows better. ;)  

This week was my son's birthday. He turned 11 on Thursday. He is a big fan of the Hunger Games series so for his birthday he asked for a bow and arrow which he has been kind enough to share with the rest of the family. We have been shooting at the target we set up in our backyard for the last two days. I'm not ready to take my talent on the road yet, but I would have to say I am improving. I can see why people enjoy this sport.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Funny!

Back home in Missouri. Had a fun time with family, but driving nineteen hours has really taken it out of me. I will probably need several good nights of restful sleep for my body to catch up. The good thing is between sleeping and writing I will also be catching up on the Olympics that my husband recorded for me. Hurray for me!

In honor of the Olympics here is your Friday Funny. Have a great weekend!