Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Funny!

Yes, it's that time again, it's Friday. I can't believe it myself. The week just speeds by, and not surprising to most of you I'm sure, I've gotten nothing done. Well, unless you count the shoveling of a million tons of snow. I supervised of course. My husband won't let me do anything that might cause me to re-injury my back. He's a sweet man and I have tried really hard not to do all. I've been pretty successful at it if I do say so myself.

Besides supervising the shoveling, I've also supervised the house cleaning, the dish doing, the meal cooking and of course the exercising. That last one is probably the hardest. Watching my kids run on my treadmill for me is exhausting. You would think with all the hard work I'm putting in watching all these things I would be dropping weight like crazy, but nothing seems to be coming off. To be honest I think I've gained a few pounds, go figure.

Anyway, I know some of you are thinking, "Wow, how does she do it? She is maga impressive!", and I would have to agree with you. I live a very impressive life and that is what has led me to post this video. This guys vocal range is amazing. You can tell he puts in almost as much time singing as I do supervising.

If you have a few more minutes watch this one as well. I love this show, but after watching this I have to wonder why. At least I didn't make my husband watch it with me.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Funny!

Have you ever had one of those days that you've asked yourself if it could get any worse? The answer is, yes, yes it can. You could be one of these people in my Friday Funny!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Funny!

So bad I swore off the caffeine pills because I could really use them right now. On a high note we have been enjoying some lovely weather. I have been able to walk outside for four days in a row and have loved it. The fresh air does wonders for me. Hoping the good weather continues as well as the lovely walk.

Seeing as I am tired and seem to be rambling on and on here is your Friday Funny. I figured since I'm so tired this sleepover themed video is appropriate.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Funny

Okay, when I saw this first video my first thought was; "dang that girl rocks". My second thought was; "I wonder if it's too late to start training my nine year old daughter to do that." I have two daughters and I would like them to learn how to handle themselves on a date.

 I've had to drop a few guys in my day, but I wasn't able to do with as much finesse as that little girl. I would like my girls to be able to not only drop a guy if he starts getting fresh with them, but to do it in style. ;)

I actually have two Friday Funny's today. One is a little girl boxing and the other is because of my great love of  Downton Abbey. Love it!

Have a great weekend!