Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Funny!

I'm not sure if anyone even noticed, but I didn't post a Friday Funny last week. My oldest son ended up in the hospital and then I ended up with a migraine so lets just say it was a trying week. This week however has been much better. My son is on the mend and I have recovered from my migraine.

I am sure most of you have seen this video by now, but for those who haven't then enjoy. I love the beat and it's bizarreness. My two year old loves this song and will even do the dance from the video. She is pretty good too.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Funny!

I'm learning. I found my Friday Funny early so that I'm not up all  night begrudging the world for being unfunny. This is my favorite time of the year which is why is was easier to find something funny to post. I love Halloween and all things scary. This isn't scary to watch it's funny so you don't have to worry that something is going to pop up and freak you out. Instead you get to watch someone else experience that emotion. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Funny!

Once again I've waited until I am super tired and have a headache. I will learn one day.

Have a great weekend!