Friday, May 20, 2011

Just Another Reason

I have followed a certain blog religiously for the last two years. This blog is my favorite agent's blog. The blog is called Pub Rants and the agent is Kristin Nelson. She is the agent that I would want representing me if I were going to publish traditionally. She knows her stuff and does her job.

She is one of the many sources that I go to for information on writing and the publishing world in general. She is also one of the reasons I am choosing e-publishing over traditional publishing. Her last blog entry titled, Tales From The Contract Wars, just reinforces my decision to e-publish. Trust is a big deal to me and from everything I've read and researched I believe I would have a hard time trusting many of the traditional publishers.

If you are interested in the publishing world I strongly suggest her blog. It has a plethora of information that any writer hoping to be published one day should know. Her blog also contains links to other blogs and websites that are really helpful.

If you are interested here is the link

Have a great weekend and hopefully when I blog again it will be about being finished with my end of the editing process. ;)

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