Monday, June 13, 2011

Almost There...

Things are coming along great. I think this June release might actually happen. The cover is being reworked. I am so excited. I can't believe it's finally going to happen. When I know the finally release date I will put up a count down ticker. I will be sure to keep you all posted.

It's been a crazy week. I have been working hard on the book and even harder getting ready to go on a short vacation with my whole family.Who would have guessed that a three day vacation was going to take a week to get ready for and a week to recover from. We left on Thursday and got back Saturday evening and I am still suffering from lack of sleep.

I did have a fantastic time visiting with my brothers and sisters and their kids. I have fifteen nieces and nephews on my side of the family and they were all accounted for on this trip. Their ages range from 1 to 14 years old with one on the way. (Yes I count that one too!) It was a blast to watch all the cousins interact with each other and surprising there wasn't any fighting. We have a great family.

Now that I'm back it's time to get serious. I even found some great music to edit too making the process a little less painful. If you're interested you can find it here...

1 comment:

Lily said...

I think you meant 19 with one on the way.:)