We are days away people. It's very exciting for me. The new cover is finished. It has been a bigger process then I expected, but at least it's done. The book itself has been given a thumbs up by my reviewers and I am now working on my acknowledgments, which will probably have to be longer than the book.
I unfortunately have run into a bit of a snag. I may have to change my title. Right now the title of my book is, Forbidden; A Celtic Knots Series. It's a fantasy/romance for young adults. My nephew is in that age range and thought it would be cool to search for my title on Amazon. This is where I hit my snag, apparently most the books that have the title of Forbidden or at least have the word in the title are "very adult" romances.
My book has romantic elements in it, but it's far from what the literary industry would call erotica. I am concerned because I do not want my audience to be confused on the genre when they are searching for my book.
This leaves me wondering if I need a title change before it goes live. I will be keeping the subtitle, A Celtic Knots Series, but I am wondering if I need to change the main title to something a little less erotic sounding.
Let me know what you think.
Hope this helps, here are some ideas for your title:
S&M, A Celtic Knots Series
Auto-erotic Asphyxian, A Celtic Knots Series
Naughty Time with Whips and Chains, A Celtic Knots Series
Beat Me, Whip Me, Make Me Feel Cheap, A Celtic Knots Series
(I'm not making fun, just figured you could use a laugh right now)
I know you will come up with something Tasha.
Good Luck!
You totally made my day, Jake! Thanks for the much needed laugh.
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