Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This Little Piggy Went To The Doctor...

It's getting colder outside and my kids are all starting up with colds and all sorts of fun little illnesses. My oldest just got over a stomach bug, my youngest son is coughing and has a runny nose and our sweet little baby has ear infections in both ears.

It's so sad when children get sick and even more sad when they pass those illnesses on to other children or in my situation adults. I would have to say my youngest son is one of those children passing. He has a cough and even when reminded he still tends to cough right in other people's faces. Just this morning he was telling me a story and started coughing on me. I told him to turn his head and cough in the crook of his elbow. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Not for him! Instead of doing what he was told he continued to tell me why he can't stop coughing while coughing on me.

I am starting to feel a bit under the weather with congestion and tickle in my throat and now I know who I can thank for it.

So remember folks no one wants your germs so cough and sneeze in the crook of your elbow. Don't leave your snot rags lying about and please wash your hands after you use the bathroom because if you don't it's like doing this...

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