Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Funny!

My twelve year old son came home from school today with a note. He handed it to me and said, "You have to read this."

 I admit I was a bit nervous, but he's a good kid so it couldn't be too be, right? Right! My kid rocks! He took a test at school to see what grade level he reads on and his results came back as "Post High School". The only one in his class to score that high. I'm a very proud Mama right now.

 All my kids are great and they all make me proud to be their mother. I love my job. This is my payday for sure.

This weeks Friday Funny is to encourage you to read, even if it's just a little.

I picked up the book, Celtic Illusion for obvious reasons. It made me laugh out loud. It said, "I guess I didn't realize how desperate I really was until now." I guess that sums up my life.  I hope you all try this and get a good laugh.

Have a great weekend!

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