Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Funny!

Have you ever asked yourself who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?

Well, I am been blessed enough to know the answers to all those question; at least in the big scheme of things. I know I am a child of God. I know I am here to be tested, to have a family, and to serve my Lord and Savior so that I can return to live with them in the eternities.

How do I know this? I know this because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or as most people know us as, a Mormon. Being a member of my church has been a huge gift and blessing in my life. Why? Because I don't have to be afraid when bad or scary things happen in the world. I know who I am. I know why I'm here and I know where I am going.

That being said I am far from perfect, but I am trying to be the best person I can be. Part of that means using the talents that God has given me. One of those talents is writing. I was not born a writer and although I always had stories going on in my head I never imagined I would have the ability to put those stories on paper in any logical or readable fashion. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for this talent and no longer feel right not giving him the credit he deserves for this talent. If my writing is poor it is only because God has to work with an imperfect person. me.

Writing is hard, especially when trying to write a romance that is exciting, breathtaking and still keeps in line with my personal moral code. I don't believe in sex before marriage. I believe that marriage is forever and I want people to get that massage while reading my books. Love is intoxicating and exciting and sex is an expression of that love, but should only be had within the bonds of marriage.

Old fashioned? I'm sure to most of the world that I am, but being old fashioned has served me well. I got married at nineteen to my high school sweetheart. We have been married for almost fifteen years. We have five beautiful children together and even though the exhaustion of our daily activities he still can take my breath away and make my heart skip a beat when we are together.

My husband is my one and only; my forever love. Each kiss is we share is precious, each touch is exciting. He makes me laugh on a daily basis and even when we have our disagreements, and we do, I still can't help being attracted to him. He is a fantastic father, a wonderful husband and a loyal friend.

This is what I want my readers to shoot for in life. It is out there and you deserve more than the world tells you; you just have to be willing to wait and work for it. Raise the bar, you are worth it.

I am sure some of you are wondering, "What the heck lady; where did this all come from? I just stopped by to watch something funny." Well, all I can say is I wanted my readers to know what I stand for and what to expect from my books in the future. I am writing for my daughters, for my nieces, for my sons, for my nephews, for my sisters, for my friends and for those who just want a great book with standards. I have an important audience and will do my best not to disappoint.

Now onto my Friday Funny!   This video reminds me of my Mia. She has more sass than I know what to do with.

Have a great weekend!

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