Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Funny

This week flew by, but I did get half of what I needed to done. That is truly a successful week for me. I only have a few more days until I get to start writing again. So many idea's running through my head I can barely keep up.
This is my plan for the weekend. Celebrate my daughter's birthday, finish list from last week minus the carpet shampooing (seriously people I don't know what I was thinking. I need to wait until the kids are back in school before taking on such a horrendous chore.) Monday: take the kids to school to find their classrooms and then Tuesday take the kids to school and start book two! I can hardly contain myself.

This weeks Friday Funny is compliments of Jana, Jake's wife. Thanks so much for sharing this site! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

LWilson said...

Hopefully soon you will get someone to clean your house and do all the unfun things. Then you will have the time to write, write, write!